Daily-artificially-induced-sneezes can prevent or mitigate  coronavirus

Daily-artificially-induced-sneezes can prevent or mitigate coronavirus

Before coronavirus develops into life-threatening condition, one should have enough time to take initiatives for prevention or mitigation or antibody-activation, by daily scheduled exercise of artificially induced sneezes with must-have basic quantity.

Although natural sneezes exist, however occur most-likely while suffering from flu, and for those healthy guys, perhaps even no sneeze for weeks.

I recommend at least 5 times of controlled artificial sneezes every day as required basic quantity, but DO NOT trigger any uncontrolled sneeze.

You can induce then control sneezes by many methods, for example: pepper as inducer or say stimulus, 60 liters plastic bag for containing sneezes by wrapping head inside it.

Generally speaking, coronavirus will stay along Upper Respiratory Tract (URT) for about 4 days, of which period, first phase in floating status and second phase in embedding status.

A sneeze is equivalent to category 3 hurricane (i.e. wind speed up to 50m/s) in micro zone, and it is powerful enough to blow away all unwelcome particles include all virus along URT, of which, 100% floating particles and 50% to 95% embedding/embedded particles.

Not only URT, but also lower respiratory tract, even lung, wherever will be cleaned by sneezes, just with lesser (but still decent) efficacy than URT, depending on sneeze strength.

Even during mild symptoms, most new generations of duplicated virus can still be effectively & efficiently blowed out of body by high power sneezes, so as to mitigate worsening condition, even reverse to bettering condition.

For the remaining virus molecules after sneeze storm, which is a fraction of prior embedded colonies, will be easily killed by immune system, because less amount of virus will let immune system work at high efficiency in status of low duty-cycle to near idling.

To totally conquer virus, antibody must be produced by your immune system, which needs a learning curve in course of light duty fighting experience with trace to micro level virus.

In contrast, without sneezes action, the exponentially self-copied virus will drive immune system overloaded until devastated in a few of days, and hopeless to generate antibody.

Coronavirus lingers over significant time on surface of organs, because it needs time to key into live cells for proliferation, and such floating or fumbling status can be easily interfered by breathing and talking, and that is why so high tendency of spread, hence wearing face mask is a must.

The strength of sneezes can vary in wide range, depending on how to intervene it. Even for same natural sneeze, if nervely burst it during social activity, the flying droplets may reach under 2 meters, but if totally release it without any worry, droplets can fly 10 meter away.

Of course, for artificial sneezes, you should ignite to "explode" as strong as possible.

In sense of amount of virus emission, one strong sneeze action may be equivalent to 100 days breathing and necessary talking for regular social activity.

Therefore, the more times you sneeze every day, the less risk you will confront, no matter how horrible the situation of your surroundings.

I have been practicing daily artificial controlled sneezes for 15 years, and never have any flu vaccine, the good result: never catch a cold until now!

For your health, take action today to follow my above suggestion.

Warning: high blood pressure persons are not suggested for artificial sneezes, as it's dangerous for them!

Please spread this article as quick & wide as possible, so as to save countless lives all over the world. Million thanks.


Desperately desiring for vaccine? Most experts believe R&D may need 1 year, but I believe vaccine-equivalence can be acquired by artificial sneeze and/or facial mask, because vaccine basically is just trace concentration of virus itself or pathogen-resulted antigen for training immune system, and both sneeze & mask can deliberately control the trace concentration.

Mask makers intuitively endeavor to filter virus in theoretical wish 100%, but practically 95% is the best approachable (e.g. N95 type), and it is this unavoidable 5% (or more if other type) that may rehearse wearer's immune system for antibody generation, despite still some wearers will sacrifice because the good trace threshold is hardly guaranteed.

Hopefully herd immune can be achieved at insignificant death rate, only if artificial sneeze and mask can be both practiced by everyone.

For those long time mask wearers, if still asymptomatic, I encourage them to have test, and probably they may already have antibody in blood. If so, they needn't to wear mask now.

As Chinese government has forced citizens to wear masks since the early outbreak, so nowadays, I guess the epicenter Wuhan survivors almost or already realize herd immune.

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